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Title: Surname (required): First & Middle Name(s) (required): Preferred Name: Country of Birth: Date of Birth: Age: Sex: Please Select------------------MaleFemale Marital Status: Occupation: Street Address: Postal Address (if different): Suburb: State: Postcode: Email:
Person responsible for Account: Person responsible contact details Address: Phone: Email: Guardian/ Next of kin (if applicable): Guardian Phone:
Referring Practitioner: Address: Phone: General Medical Practitioner (GP): Address: Phone: General Dentist: Address: Phone:
Medicare Card (Card No 10 Digits on card): Expiry Date MM/YY: Ref No. (digit next to your name):
Fund Name: Member No: Dental Extras Fund: NoYes Hospital Cover: NoYes
Card No: Expiry Date:
Insurer: Claim No: Claims Contact:
HAVE YOU HAD OR CURRENTLY HAVE: Rheumatic feverNoYes DiabetesNoYes Heart problemsNoYes Heart murmurNoYes EpilepsyNoYes Kidney diseaseNoYes HepatitisNoYes AsthmaNoYes High blood pressureNoYes OsteoporosisNoYes Stomach reflux/ulcerNoYes Excessive bleedingNoYes
DO YOU HAVE ANY ALLERGIES TO: PenicillinNoYes AspirinNoYes LatexNoYes Elastoplast or tapesNoYes
Any other medication allergies?: NoYes If yes, please provide details in box below (180 or less characters): Any food allergies?: NoYes Any other allergies?: NoYes If yes, please provide details in box below (180 or less characters): Have you smoked cigarettes/cigars within the last 4 weeks?: NoYes Are there any other "risk factors" you need to discuss in your consultation? (180 or less characters): Have you EVER taken any medications for osteoporosis or bone conditions/lesions? (eg. Fosamax, Actonel, Zometa, Pamisol, Didronel, Didrocal, or Aredia): NoYes Please list ALL medications you are currently taking (including vitamin supplements and inhalers) (180 or less characters): Please list ALL previous operations (180 or less characters): Describe any serious illness you have previously suffered (180 or less characters):
Have you had problems with general anaesthetics or a family history of malignant hyperthermia? (180 or less characters):
Are you pregnant?: NoYes Are you taking the oral contraceptive pill?: NoYes
Our practice respects your right to privacy and complies with the legislation relating to the collection, storage, use and disclosure of health information. For more information please ask for the Privacy Statement handout.
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